
Job vacancies


job Vacancies

Job vacancies

At Procare Health we are always in search of new talents who want to dedicate their professional lives to our same mission: to improve the quality of life of all women, within a pioneering and innovative project, with a great trajectory and with a promising projection.

If you want to be part of it, check the job offers that we currently have active in the countries where we have a presence and sign up for the one that best suits your profile:



Job vacancies


job Vacancies

Job vacancies

At Procare Health we are always in search of new talents who want to dedicate their professional lives to our same mission: to improve the quality of life of all women, within a pioneering and innovative project, with a great trajectory and with a promising projection.

If you want to be part of it, check the job offers that we currently have active in the countries where we have a presence and sign up for the one that best suits your profile:

Graduates & Students


Success, Attitude & Mindset

Este es nuestro trío ganador, y las capacidades y habilidades que esperamos de todos nuestros empleados. Porque somos muy conscientes de que el éxito de Procare Health depende indiscutiblemente de las personas que lo componen y del trabajo que logremos hacer juntos y en equipo.


Success, Attitude & Mindset

This is our winning trio, and the capabilities and skills we expect from all of our employees. Because we are very aware that the success of Procare Health unquestionably depends on the people that make it up and the work we manage to do together as a team.

Work with Procare Health

If right now there is no current job offer that matches your profile, you can leave us your curriculum vitae and send us your self-application.

We will be happy to review it and take it into account for future selection processes

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GRPD), we inform you that the personal data voluntarily provided by you on the occasion of the delivery of your Curriculum Vitae to this Company, as well as all those that are derived or may collected in the selection process, will be processed for the “CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT AND SELECTION OF PERSONNEL” of PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA SL whose purpose is the selection of personnel as well as to maintain a file with curricular information of the candidates to provide services in our Company

 Who is the Data Controller?


For what purpose do we process your data?

For the management of CV and personnel selection

For what reason can we use your information??

The legal basis for their treatment is the consent that is considered granted when voluntarily providing their curricular data to the company.

Who will be the receivers?

Staff from other international subsidiaries of PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. who participate in the selection process, and there may also be an assignment to the selection companies that collaborate with PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. with the aim of facilitating the internal management of search and selection of candidates.

Likewise, there may also be an assignment to other entities that require it by legal obligation

How long will we keep your data?

To comply with the principle of data quality, PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. will proceed to permanently delete your CV from our systems two years after receiving the data.

What are your rights?

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion and other rights recognized in the regulations, by sending an email to the address

What are your rights?

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion and other rights recognized in the regulations, by sending an email to the address

Graduates & Students


Success, Attitude & Mindset

Este es nuestro trío ganador, y las capacidades y habilidades que esperamos de todos nuestros empleados. Porque somos muy conscientes de que el éxito de Procare Health depende indiscutiblemente de las personas que lo componen y del trabajo que logremos hacer juntos y en equipo.


Success, Attitude & Mindset

This is our winning trio, and the capabilities and skills we expect from all of our employees. Because we are very aware that the success of Procare Health unquestionably depends on the people that make it up and the work we manage to do together as a team.

Work with Procare Health

If right now there is no current job offer that matches your profile, you can leave us your curriculum vitae and send us your self-application.

We will be happy to review it and take it into account for future selection processes

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GRPD), we inform you that the personal data voluntarily provided by you on the occasion of the delivery of your Curriculum Vitae to this Company, as well as all those that are derived or may collected in the selection process, will be processed for the “CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT AND SELECTION OF PERSONNEL” of PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA SL whose purpose is the selection of personnel as well as to maintain a file with curricular information of the candidates to provide services in our Company

 Who is the Data Controller?


For what purpose do we process your data?

For the management of CV and personnel selection

For what reason can we use your information??

The legal basis for their treatment is the consent that is considered granted when voluntarily providing their curricular data to the company.

Who will be the receivers?

Staff from other international subsidiaries of PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. who participate in the selection process, and there may also be an assignment to the selection companies that collaborate with PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. with the aim of facilitating the internal management of search and selection of candidates.

Likewise, there may also be an assignment to other entities that require it by legal obligation

How long will we keep your data?

To comply with the principle of data quality, PROCARE HEALTH IBERIA S.L. will proceed to permanently delete your CV from our systems two years after receiving the data.

What are your rights?

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion and other rights recognized in the regulations, by sending an email to the address

What are your rights?

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion and other rights recognized in the regulations, by sending an email to the address

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