Empowering women at every stage of their life

Procare Health is a Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory with an international vocation specialized in women’s health. In our first decade of life, we have launched innovative products, formulated with bio-optimized ingredients of natural origin, that have revolutionized the quality of life of women around the world

Empowering women at every stage of their lives

Procare Health is a Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory with an international vocation specialized in women’s health. In our first decade of life, we have launched innovative products on the market, formulated with bio-optimized ingredients of natural origin, which have revolutionized the quality of life of women around the world

Range of Products

Developed for the well-being of women!


Biotech Investigation

We are scientists by definition and we are constantly seeking to improve our products, but also to study their effects. For this reason, we allocate up to 25% of our budget to R&D and carry out ambitious international clinical research studies


Investigation Biotech

We are scientists by definition and we constantly seek to improve our products, but also to study their effects. For this reason, we allocate up to 25% of our budget to R&D and carry out ambitious international clinical research studies

Continuing Medical Training

Free Online Courses

Continuing Medical Education

Free Online


Procare Health in the world

With little more than 10 years of life, we have established ourselves in different European countries and we have also managed to reach other continents. Our products are commercialized in more than 45 different countries, and we continue working to make them available in more than the 65 countries where we have reached distribution agreements (currently undergoing regulatory approval with local authorities).


Procare Health in the world

With little more than 10 years of life, we have established ourselves in different European countries and we have also managed to reach other continents. Our products are commercialized in more than 45 different countries, and we continue working to make them available in more than the 65 countries where we have reached distribution agreements (currently undergoing regulatory approval with local authorities).


From the press area, you can closely follow all the news about our company  

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