
Procare Health


Procare Health


Commitment to research

The commitment to research and scientific rigor are in our DNA. We want to be pioneers in women’s health and that is why we allocate 25% of our budget to R&D, focusing on the development of new therapeutic solutions, but also carrying out clinical studies to verify the efficacy and safety of all our treatments



We are proud to be able to say that, throughout the first decade of Procare Health‘s life, we have launched around 20 clinical trials and observational studies that have been exhibited in different national conferences (AEPCC, ONCOSEGO, GINEP, AEEM, SER or SEIOMM) and international (IPVC, ASCCP, ESGO, ESG, EUROGIN, WCO, OARSI, IMS, ISSM-ESSM or EMAS), in which we have had the collaboration of great references in medicine in our country.

In addition to having made more than 100 posters or oral communications and more than 80 abstracts with in vitro and ex vivo studies, some of which have been published in such prestigious medical journals as Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, Advances in Therapy, BioMed Central or Women’s Health, among others

Among all of them (see their references at the bottom of this page), the Palomacare clinical trial stands out, in which Papilocare® vaginal gel was shown to normalise cervical lesions and clear the virus in 88% and 63% of high-risk HPV-positive patients respectively (more than 600 patients),

In addition, our research team has launched various collaborations with top-level international companies and universities with the aim of taking a leap forward and achieving new solutions that further improve the quality of life of women and deal effectively with to some of the most common problems that you encounter throughout your life.

The therapeutic vaccine against gynecological cancers and the Cervix On a Chip project are the most outstanding and revolutionary that we have underway at the moment.



Serrano L, López AC, González S, Palacios S, Dexeus D, Centeno C, Coronado P, de la Fuente J, López Fernández J, Vanrell C and Cortés J. Efficacy of a Coriolus versicolor–Based Vaginal Gel in Women With Human Papillomavirus–Dependent Cervical Lesions: The PALOMA Study. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2021;25: 130–136.

Criscuolo AA, Sesti F, Piccione E, Mancino P, Belloni E, Gullo C, Ciotti M. Therapeutic efficacy of a Coriolus Versicolor-based vaginal gel in women with cervical uterine high-risk HPV infection. A retrospective observational study. Adv Ther 2021;38:1202–1211.

Palacios S, Losa F, Dexeus D, Cortés J. Beneficial effects of a Coriolus versicolor-based vaginal gel on cervical epithelization, vaginal microbiota and vaginal health: a pilot study in asymptomatic women. BMC Women’s Health. 2017;17:21.



Serrano L, López AC, González S, Palacios S, Dexeus D, Centeno C, Coronado P, de la Fuente J, López Fernández J, Vanrell C and Cortés J. Efficacy of a Coriolus versicolor – Based Vaginal Gel in Women With Human Papillomavirus –Dependent Cervical Lesions: The PALOMA Study. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2021; 25: 130–136.

Criscuolo AA, Sesti F, Piccione E, Mancino P, Belloni E, Gullo C, Ciotti M. Therapeutic efficacy of a Coriolus Versicolor-based vaginal gel in women with cervical uterine high-risk HPV infection. A retrospective observational study. Adv Ther 2021; 38: 1202-1211.

Palacios S, Losa F, Dexeus D, Cortés J. Beneficial effects of a Coriolus versicolor-based vaginal gel on cervical epithelization, vaginal microbiota and vaginal health: a pilot study in asymptomatic women. BMC Women’s Health. 2017; 17: 21.errano L, López AC, González S, Palacios S, Dexeus D, Centeno C, Coronado P, de la Fuente J, López Fernández J, Vanrell C and Cortés J. Efficacy of a Coriolus versicolor–Based Vaginal Gel in Women With Human Papillomavirus–Dependent Cervical Lesions: The PALOMA Study. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2021;25: 130–136.

Criscuolo AA, Sesti F, Piccione E, Mancino P, Belloni E, Gullo C, Ciotti M. Therapeutic efficacy of a Coriolus Versicolor-based vaginal gel in women with cervical uterine high-risk HPV infection. A retrospective observational study. Adv Ther 2021;38:1202–1211.

Palacios S, Losa F, Dexeus D, Cortés J. Beneficial effects of a Coriolus versicolor-based vaginal gel on cervical epithelization, vaginal microbiota and vaginal health: a pilot study in asymptomatic women. BMC Women’s Health. 2017;17:21.



Palacios S, Lilue M, Barahona S, Ramírez M. Estudio clínico abierto, con grupo control, para explorar la eficacia de un gel vaginal no hormonal con ingredientes fitoterápicos en la reparación de la mucosa cérvico-vaginal en pacientes con citología inflamatoria Toko – Gin Pract 2019; 78 (1): 31 – 35.

Aragón P, Losa F, Abad MC, Vallbuena I, Khorsandi, D. Estudio PERIMAPART. Efectividad del masaje perineal con un gel vulvar a base de fitosomas de Centella asiática, durante la gestación y el trabajo del parto. Toko – Gin Pract 2019; 78 (4): 256 – 261.



Palacios S, Lilue M, Barahona S, Ramírez M. Open clinical study, with a control group, to explore the efficacy of a non-hormonal vaginal gel with herbal ingredients in the repair of the cervico-vaginal mucosa in patients with inflammatory cytology Toko – Gin Pract 2019; 78 (1): 31-35.

Aragón P, Losa F, Abad MC, Vallbuena I, Khorsandi, D. Estudio PERIMAPART. Effectiveness of perineal massage with a vulvar gel based on Centella asiatica phytosomes, during pregnancy and labor. Toko – Gin Pract 2019; 78 (4): 256-261



Palacios S, Soler E, Ramírez M, Lilue M, Khorsandi D, Losa F. Effect of a multi-ingredient based food supplement on sexual function in women with low sexual desire. BMC Women’s Health 2019 Apr 30;19(1):58.



Palacios S, Soler E, Ramírez M, Lilue M, Khorsandi D, Losa F. Effect of a multi-ingredient based food supplement on sexual function in women with low sexual desire. BMC Women ’Health 2019 Apr 30; 19 (1): 58


Cérvix on a chip

This international and innovative project once again represents Procare Health’s clear commitment to respecting life and animals, as it will allow the development of new chip research models without manipulation or animal suffering, and with even more rigor than in vitro models

Carine Emsellem

Procare Health Scientific Engine

Scientific research at Procare Health is led by a woman. And this woman is Carine Emsellem, the talented co-founder and VP Marketing & Scientific Affairs who has managed to position our company as a true benchmark in the sector, also gaining the endorsement and collaboration of numerous professionals with a long and recognized career in our country, as well as from the international specialized medical press

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